Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Google Art Project- Day 2

Today you will begin analyzing your painting. There are two parts to today's assignment: writing a descriptive paragraph and annotating the image. Both of these assignments should be submitted to Mr B electronically (via email or Google Doc).

Step 1: Compose a descriptive paragraph on the painting. The first sentence should identify the title and painter. In your paragraph, you should employ a variety of adjectives, adverbs, and vivid word choices. Challenge yourself to include:
  • One participle phrase
  • One appositive phrase
  • 2 terms from the art vocabulary sheet
Step 2: Annotate your painting using the template below. Your annotations must be written in full sentences. You should strive for at least 3 notes per category, making sure to use art vocabulary where possible

Annotation of “________________” by _____________________

How is the piece composed?
Composition Notes:

Line Notes:

Tone Notes:



What does the piece mean? What are its messages or examples of symbolism?


Google Art Analysis Project - Day 1

In the coming days you will compose an analytical writing piece on a painting from the Google Art Project. Your piece will be submitted electronically (via the class blog).

Today: begin looking through the Google database and look for images about which you would like to write. Save the images that you like to your “Gallery."
What to look for: works with a variety of compositional elements that you can analyze. As you look at the paintings, also look over your composition vocabulary handout.
  Though you may enjoy the appearance of abstract art, these works can be tricky to write about in terms of symbolism, themes, and composition.  For this reason, I recommend choosing a work that depicts human forms, tells a sort of story, depicts a landscape or recognizable objects, etc.  

By next class (Friday), you need to have chosen an image. Respond to this post with the following information:
1. Painting Title
2. Artist
3. URL (hyperlink) to the work (from Google Art Project)
4. A short justification for your choice: why did you select it? What draws you to the painting?   
5. A two-or-three sentence description of the painting. Be as detailed as possible: use adjectives, adverbs, and vivid word choices. 
6.  Your first name or initials (no full names).

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Art Analysis Paragraph of "Metamorphosis II" by Alexander Kush


Below is a link to Alexander Kush's "Metamorphosis II." Based on your annotations from class, post your analytical paragraph summary of this piece using the "comment" feature.

Summarizing Analytical Paragraph
Writing stems:  Use the stems provided to assist in your paragraph composition. 
1. Intro sentence : “____” by _____depicts/illustrates/represents ____ through ____.

2./3. Analysis of Composition
The noteworthy/significant/most prominent features of the piece are…
The painting’s use of ____ enhances …
The ___ symbolize…

4. Concluding sentence on Themes and Meaning:
Overall, the painting’s composition expresses…
Taken together, the painting’s compositional elements symbolize…