Wednesday, April 3, 2013

“Burg Scharfenberg at Night” by Ernst Ferdinand Oehme

Burg Scharfeberg at Night
The painting “Burg Scharfenberg at Night” is by Ernst Ferdinand Oehme. In the painting there is a large, eerie looking castle. The painting is composed with blacks and grays and very few whites and yellows scattered around the canvas. There are windows on the front side of the castle that are lit up and in each of the windows there are shadows of people standing. In the foreground there are many rocks and a cliff that goes down diagonally to a lake. The cliff, a rock filled hill, is steep and has a few trees. In the midground there is a man on a horse riding up to the castle. The horse, trotting and galloping, brings the man to the party. In the background the sky is full of clouds and stars.
            When looking at the painting, the viewer’s eyes are drawn to the large, dark castle in the middle. The dark colors and bloodcurdling landscape creates a mysterious and dramatic tone for the painting. There is some contrast in the painting between the man in black and the white horse, and between the dark house and the bright lights in the windows. Looking at the clouds, the viewer can see the liquid lines of the clouds that seem to move as you look at them. The lake is calm and relaxed as it glows with the reflection of the moon.
            There are a lot of themes within the painting. One that stands out is mystery.  Although there is a lot of darkness, the light and clouds are saying that this picture is not all dark and spooky. The slow river and the sparkling stars represent calming and relaxing atmosphere. The large rocks leading down the steep hill end abruptly as if saying, “everything comes to an end.”

Art Description
            The painting is called “Burg Scharfenberg at Night” is by Ernst Ferdinand Oehme. In the painting there is a big eerie looking castle. There are windows on the front side that are lit up and in each of the windows there are people partying. In the foreground there are a lot of rocks and a cliff that goes down to a lake. The cliff, a rock filled hill, is steep and has a few trees. In the midground there is a man on a horse riding up to the castle. The horse, trotting and galloping, brings the man brings the man to the party. In the background the castle stands dark and gloomy.

Art Analysis

Annotation of “Burg Scharfenberg at Night” by Ernst Ferdinand Oehme

How is the piece composed?
Composition Notes:
     There are figures in the window and the man on the horse. (figurative)
     The painting is in discord.
     It is a landscape picture.

 Line Notes:
     There are fluid lines in the clouds and in the lake
     The painting is energetic and has a lot of action
     There are several bold lines throughout the painting

 Tone Notes:
     There is artificial light coming from the house.
     There is a very deep tone.
     The painting is opaque.

     There are anthropomorphic shapes.
     here are a few animated/ mobile shapes.
     There are rough edges on the hill.

     The colors are very dark.
     There is a viridian green on the hill and in the trees.
     It is a very subdued painting.

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