Thursday, April 18, 2013

“Brooklyn Bridge” by Louis Lozowick

The painting "Brooklyn Bridge" drawn by Louis Lozowick is a vivid image of the Brooklyn bridge. (Transferring people through the city, the bridge has a symbolic importance.The bold image showing  a black and white illustration of people walking through the bridge, depicts the historic meaning of the area.) The picture uses contrast, and deep tones.  The parallel, vertical lines are the closet things to our eye. Another bold figure in the image is the person walking through the bridge. (An overall assumption is that this panting invents in the viewers heads the idea of how bridges are more then just transportation they are landmarks, and something taken for granted.)
The top of the bridge opens up with a very dark toned sky, and a lot of darkness coming down on the bridge. Hanging from top to bottom are vertical ropes, which represent a fluid                mix of heaviness. Continuing down the slope of the bridge a sudden burst of brightness is lifted, creating a  bombshell of lightness.  As the viewers eye moves slowly down the scope of the bridge there are also horizontal lines expanding out through the bridge. Going further down is the heavy, dark base of the bridge, holding everything together all in one fragile piece. Below the base is another bolt of lighted toned action, and a continuance of the bright white light. As the painting   drops down the painting, the switch in dark and light is still going strong, but once you hit the bottom something changes, and people standing and walking all around. The figures contain color contrast themselves: parts of them have brightness and parts of them have darkness. From the peoples point of view tall buildings on the other side of the bridge, stand far in the contrasted black and white distance.
A bridge is not always just a thing, it is an important symbol. In this particular image the people are shown walking across a bridge to get to another point. There are far away buildings in the distance, and this shows the bridge is transporting them somewhere that is important; family, friends, work, etc. The well noted use of contrast shows the bridge vintage value, and how it had been doing this job to get people around town for a long time. Without that bridge someone may not have gotten home to see their family. A bridge is more then just a plain bridge, it's something that connects and brings people together.
The painting “Brooklyn Bridge” drawn by Louis Lozowick is a vivid image of the bridge. Transferring others through the city, the bridge has a symbolic importance. The image, a black and white illustration, shows the historic meaning of the area. The picture is contrast, and deeply toned.  The parallel, vertical lines are the closet things to our eye. Another bold figure in the image is the person walking through the bridge.

Annotation of “Brooklyn Bridge” by Louis Lozowick

Line Notes:  The image is Bold, and interwoven with the people sticking out and the ropes under and over the image. The image is also vertical because of the ropes.

Tone Notes The image is also Chiaroscuro, and  Highlight,  because of its light seeping through , but at the same time its deep tone is coming in because of the dark in the image

Form: The image is Heavy and Loose at the same time because it has dark and light in it. Some of the image is showing a heavier outlook and some is showing a light image , The Geometric in the image is also because of the bridges unique shape

Color: Subdued, Tinted,  Complimentary

The picture is complimentary and tinted because some is black and some is white tinting and contrasting itself. It is also subdued because of its black and white figure not an in deep color figure.

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